welcome to my funky new website!

A lot of folks don’t know that I’m a web designer too! I build websites for small and emerging businesses and really try to showcase their individuality and special qualities, which led me to a lot of thinking about my old photography website. It wasn’t especially compelling. It lacked drama and a sense of fun. Frankly, it was dull.

It also looked like everyone else’s site. I’d had an all white site for a decade. When I first chose that look, I thought it looked so clean and high end. But everyone else in the wedding photography business thought that too! As I looked around, all I saw were white sites with script fonts, like every wedding photographer went to the same place for their site. And this sameness even made the work look similar. Everything looked interchangeable…… So….here we are. With a pink site, funky graphics, fun scrolling effects, split screens and what I hope is something different.

Since I feel like none of my weddings look the same because I approach each wedding with fresh eyes, I made a site that (hopefully) reflects that.

Come back often as I’ll be changing things around a lot. Websites aren’t static, they constantly grow and evolve and I’ve got lots of plans for this one! And please let me know if you find a tyypo typo!